
a sincere attitude中文什么意思

发音:   用"a sincere attitude"造句
  • 诚恳的态度
  • sincere:    adj. (-cerer; -cerest) 1.真挚的 ...
  • attitude:    n. 1.姿势,身段。 2.态度,看法。 3.【军事】飞 ...
  • be sincere:    真诚待人
  • sincere:    adj. (-cerer; -cerest) 1.真挚的;真诚的。 2.〔古语〕纯粹的,不混杂…的 (of)。
  • attitude:    n. 1.姿势,身段。 2.态度,看法。 3.【军事】飞行姿态。 4.芭蕾舞的一个姿势。 the attitude of flight 【航空】飞行姿势。 the attitude of mind 心情。 level attitude【航空】水平位置。 strike an attitude装腔作势,摆架子。 take [assumed] an attitude of 取…态度。
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  1. " he felt the building management didn ' t take a sincere attitude towards his complaints that the building was keeping sunlight from reaching his house , " a police spokesman in the western city of kyoto said
    京都市警方的一位发言人说: “那名男子曾经专门到新大楼的管理部门去投诉,说该楼使得自己所住的房屋成了阳光无法到达的地方,但他后来感到对方并未认真的对待此事。 ”
  2. " he felt the building management did n ' t take a sincere attitude towards his complaints that the building was keeping sunlight from reaching his house , " a police spokesman in the western city of kyoto said . nobody was injured in the shootings but walls , railings and two lights on the apartment building were damaged
    京都市警方的一位发言人说: “那名男子曾经专门到新大楼的管理部门去投诉,说该楼使得自己所住的房屋成了阳光无法到达的地方,但他后来感到对方并未认真的对待此事。 ”



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